Steven Robert
The Official Site of sTEVEN ROBERT HEINE.
Welcome to the official site of American author and poet Steven Robert Heine. Heine is the author of sixteen books and four movie screenplays. He is also active through the web in promoting poetry in nearly every State. In coming weeks, we hope to make many of his books available through this site.

Books by Steven Robert Heine.

Beyond the Frontier. 374 pages, 302 poems. This is a 1st edition of this beautiful hardbound book, while supplies last. It was published in 1979. To purchase, use the button above or send $21.99 to: Steve Heine, P.O. Box 454, Bandon, OR. 97411. Schools and libraries should send requests to be considered for donations.
** A Winter's Harvest.** (poetry) Heine's first collection of poetry written when he was 19 and 20 years old.Autumn Magic (poetry) A magical book of poetry written during the author's senior year of college.Spring Rain (poetry) Facing the challenges of life after college, Heine sought the meaning of life while struggling to pay his rent.Of Summer's Lost (poetry) the poet found love and romance as he wrote some of his most beautiful romantic poetry.A Secret Season (poetry) this book was never published as an individual paperback. It only appears as 'a fifth season' in the hardbound edition Beyond the Frontier.Beyond the Frontier (poetry) the poet combined all his earlier paperback books into this beautiful book of collected poems. It was published when Steven Robert Heine was only 25 years old.Angel and Sometimes I Smile (poetry) these two short poetry books were published together in recent years. Much of the writing had been done years earlier and the original manuscripts were almost lost.
The Oregon State Fair 2007. (history)
This was Heine's first history book and is his only book that was not self-published. It was published by Arcadia Publishing Company of South Carolina. It remains the author's best selling book to date.A History of Saint Vincent's Parish and School 2011. history. This book was written at the request of the pastor of Saint Vincent's. Heine had been a student at Saint Vincent's as had his father. Steven Robert Heine was uniquely qualified to write this book on the school and was helped greatly by the school archivists.The Oregon State Police 2016. history. Steven Robert Heine served as State telecommunications manager for the Oregon State Police from January of 2010 until July of 2016. He worked with every unit of the Oregon State Police and had a good knowledge of OSP.
Seven Keys to Better Health 2015 (health) In struggling with his own health issues, Steven Robert Heine wrote this health book. It is a collection of essays and factual research on a variety of health topics. The idea was to take a room full of current health books and boil the information down into seven keys to better health as the author saw them.
Adventures in Oregon 2009 (autobiography and satire)This was Heine's first autobiographical book. It is a collection of favorite personal stories and even includes some favorite poems.Smiles From Oregon 2018 (autobiography and satire).
This second autobiographical book includes more fun stories about the author and even includes many of the comedy routines that were performed live at the Oregon State Fair.Water into Wine, a curious view of Christianity. 2021. Essays and history. In Water into Wine, Steven Robert Heine presents dozens of original essays on Christianity. He also presents much of the history of Christianity. Though the book is written from a 'non-denominational' viewpoint, Heine does present what he believes is scientific evidence of the existence if God. Steven Robert Heine stated that he felt Water into Wine was the most difficult book he ever wrote.
Steven Robert Heine was born in Salem, Oregon. He spent much of his early life working in the strawberry and bean fields around Salem and usually took any kind of work he could find. He later attended Portland State University, where he earned Bachelor degrees in both History and Political Science. Both degrees would serve him well in the writing of future books. He also briefly attended graduate school, studying law and ethics.Heine published his first book of poetry when he was 22 years old and less than a year out of college.That year, he also signed a contract as a free lance cartoonist for a publication that reached about 150,000 readers per week.*
Career As Steven Robert Heine began to publish his early poetry books, he worked in local canneries. He later took a job as a delivery driver for the Department of Human Services. After more than fourteen years of driving, he began work as a telecommunications manager for various departments of the State of Oregon. From September 2007 to September 2008, he worked for the Pentagon, living in Northern Virginia. His job was to upgrade telephone systems to Air Force hospitals.During this time, Heine continued to publish. In 1978 he took his poetry books to the Oregon State Fair, earning him the title of 'The First Author of the Oregon State Fair'. As he continued to publish, Steven Robert Heine also appeared at Oregon State Fairs in 1979, 1980 and 1981. He served as President of the Oregon Literary Council in 1984-1986. He also founded the poetry contest of the Oregon State Fair in 1986 and contributed support for a number of other Oregon County Fair poetry contests. That included sponsorship of poetry awards at various times in Coos, Marion, Tillamook and Washington County Fairs. At one point he shared an author's table with none other than Oregon Poet Laureate William Stafford.
Update In 2011 Heine suffered a crippling injury in a fall in his Salem apartment. The result was several surgeries on his hip that left him in a great deal of pain. The injury also had a dramatic impact on his ability to make public appearances.In 2018 Heine moved from Salem to a residence in Bandon on the Southern Oregon coast.Update: in 2023 Steven Robert Heine suffered his third stroke. That stroke left him almost unable to walk or even stand up. Although he continues to write, he is no longer capable of making public appearances.
Mailing address:
Steve Heine
P.O. Box 454
Bandon, OR. 97411.
I have exciting news for you Below are links to tee shirts and merchandise designed by Steven Robert Heine. We hope you will look at these links and consider ordering. Your order will help support poetry projects in Oregon.

Bluehost. Bluehost offers pretty much all services. Design is through Wordpress. Plans: ‘Basic’, $7.99 per month. Allows one website and one included domain. ‘Plus’ $10.99. Allows unlimited number of websites. ‘Choice Plus’, $14.99 per month. Allows unlimited number of domain and some extra services, such as domain privacy. For an ecommerce site, you will want to use ‘Woocommerce’, plans run from $13.99 (for one store) to $17.99 (for unlimited stores.
Bluehost is a full-service provider with all the tools you could ask for and good support. They even sell They even sell domain names. I have used Bluehost for several years.
A2 Hosting. Drag and drop platform for building with A2 software. Plans include ‘Startup’ $2.99 per month (one website), ‘Drive’ $4.99 (unlimited websites), and ‘Turbo-boost’ for $9.99 per month, (unlimited sites).
Siteground. Wordpress hosting. Plans include: Startup, $3.95 per month, allows one website, GrowBig, $5.95 per month, allows unlimited websites, and GoGeek, $11.95 per month, unlimited websites and more features. (no free domain with account).
Dreamhost. Wordpress hosting. Plans include: ‘Shared –
Starter’ plan starts at $2.59 per month. Includes 1 domain name and unlimited bandwidth. ‘VPS Basic plan at $13.75 per month’ allows unlimited domains. Wordpress. No cPanel. E-commerce is through Woocommerce, which is a free plugin for Wordpress.
3dcart Site built especially for online stores. Choose from over 100 payment processors. $19.00 per month for a ‘startup store’. $29.00 per month for a basic store. $79.00 per month for a ‘Plus Store’ Provides standard store features. One domain per account. Includes shopping cart and many ecommerce features.
A2 Hosting. Drag and drop platform for building with A2 software. Plans include ‘Startup’ $2.99 per month (one website), ‘Drive’ $4.99 (unlimited websites), and ‘Turbo-boost’ for $9.99 per month, (unlimited sites).
Webflow: I’ve included Webflow in this list because it uses a unique interface. It is not a Webflow in this list because it uses a unique interface. It is not a Wordpress site. It may take some time to learn and get used to the Webflow user design tool. Keep in mind that ALL website designers are an interface to move the html code.
i Page. Wordpress hosting. ‘WP Starter’ $9.49 per month (billed yearly). ‘WP Essential’ $12.49 per month. Good for selling online. iPage provides a number of choices of shopping carts.
Hostinger is one of the biggest webhosting companies on the internet. They provide ‘drag and drop’ as well as cloud hosting and Wordpress. Plans include: ‘Single Shared’ $2.15 per month (allows one website, ‘Premium’ $3.49 per month (allows unlimited websites), and ‘Business Shared’ $7.95 per month (allows unlimited websites and many other features. Premium and Premium and Business plans also come with a fee domain name. It is easy to see why Hostinger is so popular. And yes, I really like this hosting service.
**WIX **Provides 'drag and drop', for ease of design. Plans include: ‘Combo’ $13.00 per month, ‘Unlimited’ for $17.00 per month, and ‘Pro’ for $22.00 per month. (There are other (There are other plans for ecommerce).
NameCheap. Dot.coms start at $8.88 per year. Hosting plans are $2.88 per month to $8.88 per month. NameCheap has their own ‘drag and drop’ builder. NameCheap is a good site to save money on domain names. has domains starting at $9.99 per month and also provides hosting plans starting at $3.75 per month.
Malwarebytes provides reasonably priced virus protection. Please see the link above for details.
Biography: Steven Robert Heine was born in Salem, Oregon. He spent much of his early life working in the strawberry and bean fields around Salem and usually took any kind of work he could find. He later attended Portland State University, where he earned Bachelor degrees in both History and Political Science. Both degrees would serve him well in the writing of future books. He also briefly attended graduate school, studying law and ethics.Heine published his first book of poetry when he was 22 years old and less than a year out of college. That year, he also signed a contract as a free lance cartoonist for a publication that reached about 150,000 readers per week.More to Follow.
Web Hosting Article.
Web Hosting Article
Magnificent 7seven Reviews.
Web hosting
I think you will find the following article very helpful as you begin to set up your own website or a website for your writing group.
Please pay close attention to what you are paying for domain names. I have listed three inexpensive domain registrars. Most hosting companies will sell them to you and many provide a domain free with your paid account.You may be looking at creating a website and don’t know where to start. OR you may have a product or book and don’t know how to create a website to sell it. Then this blog is a great place to start! I have reviewed many webhosts from CARRD to Zyro. I think you will find the following suggestions useful.As recently as a few years ago, most sites provided access to the programming language of the website, or html. This allowed you to make changes to the programming and see how that reflected on your website. Fortunately, knowledge of html is no longer necessary. (You may still find it helpful to learn what the basic elements of html are, in case you need to insert a link in your site or see the code for your site).
Please note: I was not paid by any of the companies listed below to promote their sites. I did find it interesting to research what they have to offer and list some of the main points to consider. And yes, these are affiliate links but they have all been researched.1. What is the cost of a website?
Many hosts can get you started for free! OR with a very monthly rate for the 1st year. Cost is usually listed as a ‘monthly cost’ provided you pay for a whole year at a time. IE: if the cost is $20.00 per month, you may be required to pay $240.00. Make sure you get a plan that fits your needs. Usually you can upgrade to a more expensive plan as your needs grow.2. What is the platform the ecommerce site uses? Generally, sites use either Wordpress or what I call, a ‘House’ software. Wordpress is in my experience a platform that requires an intermediate level of computer savvy. You will do better when you put some time into working with it and develop a ‘feel for it’. ‘House’ software is unique to the webhost site you are using. Most are ‘plug and play’. Like any application, you just have to get comfortable moving around in them. Each has some unique features. When you go to the webhost, you will see samples of web pages. When you like the look... go for it!3. If you are going to be selling products through your site, you will need to know what bank does the ecommerce site use? This is extremely important. It is great you made a sale on your website, but how do you get the customer’s payment into your bank account? You want banking tools that your customer will feel comfortable ordering with, AND you want banking tools that will give you access to your money. While many sites use PAYPAL, some use other financial tools.4. How many domains can I use on one account? If you have several domains, you will want to host them all in the same place. If you have different stores selling different products, you may want to use more than one site. Ecommerce sites vary from one domain per account to ‘unlimited’ domains.5. What kind of stats will this ecommerce site provide? You may want to look around to see how much traffic you are getting and where people are seeing your site. (You may be surprised to note how many people in other countries are viewing your site).6. How good is the technical support from this ecommerce site? You don’t want to wait days for a question to be answered. A good test or response time is to ask the Web host a question as ‘a potential client’ to measure response time.7. Does this vendor sell domain names and for how much? And will they provide me with a free domain name with my order?8. What is the difference between shared web hosting and a dedicated server?’ The answer is, that a dedicated server is a server used by no other sites and thus those sites can’t impact the server or slow it down. Dedicated servers are quite a bit more expensive per month. Most websites should be fine running on shared hosting.
We will try to answer those questions. You can click on the link provided to get Common Website Terms you should know:
Html: hypertext markup language. This is the actual programming code. No matter which programming tool you are using, whether it be **Wordpress ** a sitebuilder, that interface is adjusting the html as you move and change features.
CSS: cascading style sheets. This refers to how you website is presented in the programming.
When you have purchased hosting and are ready to build a website on the hosting server, you must put your domain on that hosts server. You do this by putting in the code numbers for that server into your domain names. Both the hosting provider and your domain seller will explain to you how to do this.VPS Hosting: ‘virtual private server hosting’. VPS hosting acts similar to a private server with more flexibility than shared hosting. Most new users will only need shared hosting.Domain names: this is VERY important, when purchasing a domain name, pay little attention to the initial price of the domain name. What is important is the renewal cost. I have seen domain registers that charge very little for the initial price but upwards of $30.00 per year to renew. Most paid hosting plans give you one free domain name with the purchase of a plan. Beyond that, you will need to go to the market to buy additional names.